Local Action Type: raising Awareness and communication campaigns
Date: Jun 5 – Sep 30, 2022
Local Action Discerption:
Thanks to online paid ad campaigns, we were able not only to support our sustainable activities and get Thanks to CCIVS support, we could concentrate on external communication and promote volunteering and sustainable codex. Via online ad campaigns, we could reach 56 714 people in total and get 1 247 results. We were able to support our activities and get more participants for offline events thus raise awareness about more sustainable lifestyle (in terms of travelling, eating a day-to-day actions) and let people reflect on their lifestyles and every day decisions. Thanks to the campaigns, we could support our activities and create opportunities for people interested in climate change and sustainable ways of living and give them a space to take an action and participate on change. Whether it is by participating in an environmental workcamp in the Czech Republic or abroad, reflecting on the way they travel, eat, live or starting their own innovative project.
Website: www.inexsda.cz
Facebook: www.facebook.com/inexsda
Links to articles and media online:
Follow-up meeting for volunteers: https://fb.me/e/1XzjSaJta
Sustainable traveling, before going: https://www.inexsda.cz/novinky/blog/tipy-na-udrzitelne-cestovani/
Sustainable traveling, while you are on the site:https://www.inexsda.cz/novinky/blog/jak-se-chovat-udrzitelne-i-na-dovce/
Czech footsteps in Brazil: https://fb.me/e/1PyEfUgpR
Article: https://www.inexsda.cz/novinky/aktuality/objev-ceskou-stopu-v-brazilii/
INEXup restart FB event: https://fb.me/e/2bAE2OGEv
Reels from enviro workcamp in Křivoklátsko, Czech workcamps: https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChklYCblNkC/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
Enviro workcamp in Sicily, Italy: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CghtM0_ldZz/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link