Mihithala Mithuro Environment Development Foundation Logo

Youth contribution to environmental development – MMEDF, Sri Lanka

Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka


Date: Nov 19, Dec 18, 2022


Local Action Discerption:


The one-day workshop was organized to develop camaraderie among each other and work as a team. The workshop was organized in order to get rid of the framed life and see the world in a different way and understand the problems. The participants enthusiastically participated in the activities organized for that purpose and they understood the value of working as a team with fun and happiness. 18 people participated in this workshop per day. Two workshops were held for the 36 people. At the end of the 2 workshops, 4 groups were formed and they identified 4 project proposals to be implemented in the future. A WhatsApp group with a leader is created for each group and they are constantly communicating through it. They are engaged in the development work and certain activities of the project using Zoom technology


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