
Permaculture – a tool for changemakers


Permaculture is a design tool that is based on 3 ethics:

  • Caring for the Earth,
  • Caring for People,
  • Fair Share (reinvestment of surplus), sometimes referred to as Future Care.

It is a tool used to design regenerative, abundant environments that respect climate, nature’s patterns and flows, while providing for human and non-human needs. It is always based on observation and following nature as the greatest teacher.

As well as these 3 foundational ethics, permaculture design is based on many principles of sustainability such as:

  • Produce no waste!

  • Catch and store energy

  • Use and value renewable resources

  • Respond creatively and positively to change

  • Use and value diversity

  • Use and value the margins and the marginal

Learn about Permaculture as a tool for Sustainable Food Production here by doing the MOOC Everything Gardens available on

You can also read and learn more about permaculture here from one of the founders, David Holmgren.

Here is a link to a great video showing the 12 principles in action

And here is an example of how one man is using Permaculture to change the urban environment where he lives to become a healthier, inclusive and greener neighbourhood

Permaculture for Regenerative Culture


Permaculture has expanded from an agricultural and food growing tool, to being used in many different areas of regenerative culture:

There is an enormous amount of information from permaculture practitioners all around the world. If you would like to get involved, try to find your local Permaculture projects or people and connect to the network where you are!

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